Do you ever have the feeling that something just isn't right in your relationships?
Maybe you feel stuck in a friendship, a romantic relationship, or in a relationship with a family member. Maybe you are trying to navigate the dating world as a single woman, and you find that you are compromising yourself over and over again. You are tired of trying so hard, from giving so much of yourself to avoid conflict with people in your life.
Perhaps you are so focused on what others think about you that you neglect your own experiences, feelings, and needs. If you're honest, you don't even know what they are! Deep down, you don't believe that your preferences, feelings, or perceptions matter as much as other peoples'.
As a result, you end up treating everyone else with kindness, respect, and compassion, but you can’t seem to offer those same things to yourself. To the contrary, your thoughts about yourself are often critical and negative. Maybe you look physically put-together, but underneath it all you feel chaotic and insecure.
There is a persistent voice in your head that says you aren’t good enough, no matter how much you do or achieve.
Not pretty enough, smart enough, accomplished enough – you fill in the blank. So, you live with perpetual feelings of inadequacy and anxiety, as if you are always somehow falling short in your tasks, roles, and other demands in life.
Maybe you are a mother who sees her daughter experiencing some of these pressures. Your daughter seems to engage more with social media than with people around her. She feels anxious in school or social situations and doesn’t seem to be able to see all that she has to offer the world. Maybe she has gone through something hard and doesn’t know how to talk about it.
you feel exhausted.
Of course you do! You can only keep this up for so long. If you are a mother, you are tired of seeing your daughter suffering in these ways.
The quality of our relationships - including your relationship with yourself - is the most important factor in our wellbeing.
Relationships are supposed to be a source of support, safety, and growth. Yet we often find ourselves falling into harmful or dissatisfying relationships. As a result, we experience anxiety, confusion, stress, frustration, abuse, depression, and even trauma.
Something has to change. Perhaps that's why you are here.
Thankfully, another way of being in possible. I know firsthand from experience.
But what is it like? How do you get there?
I can help.
“Discovering the unique self is the problem on which all our existence, peace, and happiness depends. Nothing is more important, for if we find our true self we find God. ”
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